Infidelity – Moses Miller

What would you do if you came home after a long day of work and heard sexual noises coming from your bedroom? What if you do if you bump into your long lost love the same day?

In this heart-wrenching novella, Infidelity, Author Moses Miller gives his readers a peek into the lives of Shanell & Bryce.  Shanell & Bryce are both dealing with their own version of the truth in their marriage, and soon finds out – EVERYTHING IS NOT WHAT IT APPEARS TO BE.

Moses Miller does an excellent job of creating unforgettable characters and believable scenarios.  After reading this book, it took a few minutes to collect my thoughts. What I got from this novella is… No matter what LIFE throws at you at any given second, it’s up to you to make the appropriate decision. Make sure that decision is something you can live with for the rest of your life.

I highly recommend this novella.

5 Stars


