The Devil’s Legacy – Tom Jackson

The Devil’s Legacy is an interesting book. Tom Jackson gives a very detailed account of what actually happened to the Marbles as well as the various events and characters. There were a lot of twists and turns and what if scenarios.

Jackson kept you guessing and just when you thought you could predict the outcome – something else happened. If you enjoy history, then this book is a good one to add to your collection.

The only drawback was there may have been too many events and/or characters- the Titanic, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Jack the Ripper (to name just a few, and there were several more) – because all of these things are highly unlike to occur at the same time. With all of the different locations, events, and characters, it at times made the story unbelievable. 

However, the ending was very intriguing and suspenseful.

3 Stars


Disclaimer: Book Referees was given a Free Copy of this book from the Author. Our thoughts on this book were in no way influenced by the author or publicist. We were not compensated for the review. Thank you for giving Book Referees the opportunity to review your book.



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